viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017




Un estudio, publicado en 1999, revela que un compuesto extraido del cordyceps sinesis puede ser potencialmente util en el tratamiento de lupus eritematoso en pacientes humanos

Otro estudio posterior, en el 2002, ya con humanos, reafirma el efecto benefico del Cordyceps Sinesis, en el tratamiento de lupus eritematoso

A continuacion un resumen, de ambos estudios y por ultimo los textos en ingles

Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud de los Estados Unidos

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Cordyceps sinensis (CS) es una medicina tradicional china con un efecto inmuno-modulador y es efectivo aumentando la supervivencia en ratones con lupus.
En el presente estudio se aisló el compuesto puro (H1-A) del cordyceps y se investigo su efecto, inhibiendo el progreso de la enfermedad autoinmune.

El resultado demostró que el sujeto tratado diariamente por 8 semanas, tuvo una reduccion progresiva de la produccion de anticuerpos de doble cadena, comparado contra un grupo de control.

Clinicamente, el grupo tratado tuvo una reduccion en linfadenopatia, un rezago en la progresion de proteinuria y un avance en las funciones renales.
El estudio histologico del tejido del riñon indicó que el elemento H1-A puede inhibir la proliferacion mesangial, evidente en nefritis lupica.

El estudio revela que el compuesto H1-A extraido del cordyceps sinesis puede ser potencialmente util en el tratamiento de lupus eritematoso en pacientes humanos


61 pacientes fueron divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos.
A 31 personas se les dió Cordyceps en polvo antes de los alimentos y artemisinin despues del alimento, en tres porciones, durante 3 años.
Los 30 pacientes del grupo de control, fueron tratados con tripterygiitotorum y/o baoshecang en tabletas.
LA observacion continuó por 5 años para monitorear la manifestacion clinica del lupus y los indices de laboratorio incluyendo creatinina en sangre, taza de claridad de la creatinina y anticuerpos antinucleares.

El efecto terapeutico mostró una marcada eficiencia en 26 casos(83.9%), efectiva en 4(12.9%) e inefectiva en 1(3.2%) en el grupo tratado.
Mientras que en el grupo de control los numeros correspondientes fueron 15 (50%), 8(26.7%) y 7(23.3%)

Conclusion : Cordyceps y artemisinin podrian prevenir reaparicion de nefritis lupica y proteger la funcion del riñon


J Lab Clin Med. 1999 Nov;134(5):492-500.
Efficacy of a pure compound H1-A extracted from Cordyceps sinensis on autoimmune disease of MRL lpr/lpr mice.
Yang LY1, Chen A, Kuo YC, Lin CY.

Cordyceps sinensis (CS) is a traditional Chinese medicine with immunomodulatory effect and is effective in improving the survival of lupus mice. In the present study we isolated a pure compound (H1-A) from CS and investigated its effect on inhibiting autoimmune disease progression in MRL Ipr/Ipr mice. Our results demonstrated that MRL Ipr/Ipr mice treated daily with H1-A (40 microg/kg/d orally) for 8 weeks had a progressive reduction in anti-ds-DNA production (optical density value decreased from 0.172 +/- 0.009 to 0.112 +/- 0.015) when compared with the control group (optical density value increased from 0.141 +/- 0.036 to 0.198 +/- 0.047). In clinical presentation, the treated group had a reduction in lymphadenopathy, a delayed progression of proteinuria, and an improvement in kidney function. Histologic analysis of kidney tissue indicated that H 1-A could inhibit the mesangial proliferation that was evident in lupus nephritis. However, there was no significant change in immune complex deposition. The studies reveal that the pure compound (H1-A) may be potentially useful for treating systemic lupus erythematosus in human patients, and they provide some questions for further investigation of the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis.


National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA


Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2002 Mar;22(3):169-71.
[Study on effect of Cordyceps sinensis and artemisinin in preventing recurrence of lupus nephritis].
[Article in Chinese]
Lu L1.

To observe the effect of Cordyceps sinensis and artemisinin in preventing recurrence of lupus nephritis (LN).

Sixty-one LN patients, who had no activities by corticosterone and cyclophosphamide (CTX) impacting therapy were randomly divided into two groups. The 31 cases in the treated group were given Cordyceps powder 2-4 g/d before meal and artemisinin 0.6 g/d after meal in three portions orally taken for 3 years. The 30 patients in the control group were treated with tripterygiitotorum and/or Baoshenkang tablet. The consecutive observation lasted for 5 years to monitor the clinical manifestations of lupus and laboratory indexes including blood creatinine, creatinine clearance rate (CCr) and antinuclear antibodies (ANA).

The therapeutic effect showed markedly effective in 26 cases (83.9%), effective in 4 (12.9%) and ineffective in 1 (3.2%) in the treated group, while in the control group, the corresponding numbers were 15 (50.0%), 8 (26.7%) and 7 (23.3%), the difference between the two groups in markedly effective rate was significant (P < 0.01). In the treated group, C3 level was stabilized at above 1.21 +/- 0.20 g/L, which was over the normal range, CCr was unchanged as compared before and after treatment, which was significantly different from that in the control group. Moreover, the side-effects occurred in the treated group was less.

Cordyceps and artemisinin could prevent the recurrence of LN and protect kidney function.

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National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA

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